Six Things to Keep in Mind When Choosing a Law Firm for Your Family Matters in Sydney

While the wide range of family law may be complicated, there are certain issues which can only be addressed by you. Only you understand your particular circumstances and the problems you’ve had with your family. You may or may not be hesitant to hire a law firm that only caters to certain high priced clientele. As opposed to a business, commercial, or property law firm, the firm you select should be experienced and particularly sensitive to your family’s situation.

1. Conflict of interest.
In many cases, selecting family law firms Sydney is different than employing a law firm to handle business matters. They may have been employed by both you and your spouse to handle a variety of matters not pertaining to family law. Be certain you don’t hire same law firm as your spouse. This results in a blatant conflict of interest and should be avoided at all costs. Even if they have never actually been employed by your spouse, they may be familiar with your spouse over time. This familiarity is unethical and could lead to a less than pleasing outcome of your case.

2. Sympathy and disagreements.
While you may derive some comfort knowing your case is handled by a particular family law firm, please realize that only a limited amount of “hand holding” can be provided by them. It may be the actions taken by your law firm could result in disagreements over the prosecution of your case. This discord can be present in even the simplest and straightforward circumstances. Your law firm should understand this and let you know up front how they will handle the risks and pitfalls of your case.

3. Areas of expertise.
You should understand that the practice of family law may touch on a wide variety of other specialties, for example:

a. Criminal law.
b. Bankruptcy.
c. Property.
d. Tax law.

A good law firm will have the capacity to be privy to a wide range of specialists inside the firm if your case requires it. For example, your law firm may have a working knowledge of accounting and financial issues and use internal resources or external referrals to ensure the eventual disposition of your case.

4. Comfort with the firm.
It is important you feel comfortable with the law firm you select to represent you. Depending on the particular and unique aspects of your case, you may be in a position where you have to discuss intimate issues with your attorney. You may feel more comfortable talking with a man or a woman, someone older, or someone younger (as examples). The nature of your particular case may or may not require this level of intimacy. However, if it does, you must be comfortable discussing these issues with your attorney.

5. Second opinions.
It is imprudent to interview just one law firm. If you’re in any way uncomfortable with the law firm you interview, be sure to interview at least one other law firm to provide you with a clearer picture of the issues involved in your particular case.

6. Timing.
There is usually a particular tipping point in the dispute with you and your family. Be sure your issues don’t go a long time before resolution and take care of issues before they become untenable. Important decisions need to be made early in family law and the quicker you can select the best firm for your case the quicker your goals can be accomplished.

These are several issues involved in selecting the appropriate family law firm for your case. There may be other issues not addressed in this article. Whatever issues are peculiar to your particular situation, please be certain to discuss them with your particular law firm.